A dental implant is used replace one or multiple missing teeth. Implants are titanium screws, that replace the root of a natural tooth, placed in the jawbone to support one or more false teeth.
Implants are a safe, well-established treatment that has been carried out for many years now. Much like our natural teeth, it is probably true to say they will last for as long as you care for them. This includes having them regularly assessed at your dental check ups and attending regular maintenance appointments with the hygiene team.
If your implants are well looked after, and if the bone they are fitted to is strong and healthy, you can expect them to last for many years. However, just as with other surgical implants (such as a hip replacement) there is no lifetime guarantee.
Implants are able to replace anything from a single missing tooth to an entire full set of teeth.
Having dental implants placed relies on good strong health bone being present in the jaw to place the implants into. The first stage of an implant assessment involves some imaging to assess this in detail. In most cases where a tooth has been lost recently (in the last year), it is possible to do dental implants.
Placing an implant is carries out under simple local anaesthetic, similarly to having a filling or a tooth removed. The local anesthetic completely prevents and discomfort during surgery. You may feel some discomfort during the week after the surgery which can be easily managed with over-the-counter pain relief.
It is possible to be referred for treatment under sedation or general anesthetic in cases of extreme anxiety if absolutely necessary.
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